O Clement, O Loving, O Sweet…

The cheery month of May usually blesses us with warm weather, blue skies and flowers, and bids us to go outside to enjoy creation. Hearts are lightened after a long winter and it is wonderful to spend time with family and friends celebrating Mother's Day, First Communions, Confirmations, weddings and graduations. 

One look at the news, however, can dampen our hearts. School shootings, gang violence, terrorist attacks and domestic violence in any number of forms jar us to a reality that is laden with sorrows and misery. It is all overwhelming. For many this May, the usual joyous celebrations will not hold happiness at all, but instead, total loss and sorrow.

As Christians, we embrace the Body of Christ in its fullness—we are all together in our joys and sorrows. When one is sad, we are all sad; when one is joyful, we all celebrate. In this way we lighten the burdens of each other in solidarity with our good thoughts, prayers and actions. Whenever we hear of a tragedy, we should stop and pray. When we are able to do something, large or small, we should offer ourselves with full heart to the causes which come before us.

Mary, who grieves the losses with us, is the answer, especially this month, to our heavy hearts. She never fails us as loving, guiding mother. To her we lift up our needs:

Mary, most mild and merciful, be with those whose hearts have turned away from the light and are lost in the darkness. Guide them to places of peace and harmony, forgiveness and mercy, and away from revenge.
Mary, most loving, fill our hearts with wonder and awe for all of God's creation that we might fully see the absolute joy intended for us.

Sweet Mary, console the hearts of all of those who have lost loved ones. Be with those who are lost from themselves. Please still the hearts of those who are in turmoil, depression, and chained to the cycle of abuse. May your tender care inspire all of us to be the best we can be for ourselves and others. Amen.  

O Clement, O Loving, O Sweet Virgin Mary: Pray for us. 

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